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Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security

Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security

ISSN 2523-1073 (Print) 2523-2983 (Online)
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Instructions to Authors

Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security is an official journal of Ebu Press Ltd.

Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security publishes high quality and novelty scientific papers focusing on Food Safety and Security (Food Microbiology, Food Microbial Ecology, Microbial and Chemical Risk Assessment, Food Hygiene, Food Safety, Food Fermentation, Food Process Systems Design and Control, Food Packaging Technology, Public Health Nutrition, Policy Matters in Nutrition and Food Safety, Economic, Social and Technological Aspects of Global Food Security and so on).

The following types of papers are included in Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security: (1) Review articles, (2) Full length research articles, and (3) Short communications.

Online Submission

Submit your manuscript through BanglaJOL’s online journal management system. We check the plagiarism with the use of iThenticate/Turnitin. To reduce the similarity, please give proper citations and use the words/sentences carefully.

Terms of Submission

Papers must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration by another journal. It is assumed that all named authors  agree with the contents and form of the manuscript and are responsible for the validity and originality of data contained therein. It is the author’s responsibility to validate the manuscript’s contents; however, the editorial board of the AAJFSS will be responsible for correcting contents if necessary (please refer to the ‘Correction and Retraction Policy’).

Review Process

Articles submitted to Asian-Australasian Journal of Food Safety and Security are subject to strict peer-reviewing. Once a manuscript passes the initial checks, it will be assigned to at least two independent experts for peer-review. The journal operates a single blind peer-review (the reviewers know the authors’ identities, but the authors do not know the reviewers’ identities). The journal’s management will try to get the submitted manuscript reviewed as early as possible. Usually reviewers are requested to complete the review as early as possible; however, delay in the review process will not be on the part of AAJFSS management. If all processes from complete submission to revision go smoothly, then 6-8 weeks are usually required to reach a conclusion (Acceptance/Rejection). For more details, please visit Review Policy.

After Provisional Acceptance

Upon provisional acceptance of a paper for publication, the corresponding author will receive the email regarding payment of article processing charge. Charges must be paid within 10 days as per instructions given in the email. Acceptance will be final after the payment of publication charge.

Proof corrections: The corresponding author will receive an e-mail containing PDF (portable document format). The proof can be downloaded as a PDF. Proofs must be returned to the Editor within five days of receipt with corrections if any. If there is no correction then the corresponding author must reply accordingly. We ask that you only correct typesetting errors and grammatical errors if any. Please note that the author is responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made.

Online publication: Online articles are complete and final. They have been fully reviewed, revised and edited for publication, and the authors’ final corrections have been incorporated. We do assign DOI to each newly published article. We will send the email to all authors once the article is published.

Reprints: Reprints will not be provided, if it is deemed necessary to have reprints, authors have to place order well in time on extra payment. Contact us if you have any questions.

General Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

  • All materials must be written in standard english.
  • Manuscript must be double-spaced throughout.
  • Type written using 12 font size Times New Roman on A4 paper MS WORD format.
  • The page number and line number must be assigned throughout the manuscript continuously from the title page.
  • Divide your article (excluding abstract, keywords, acknowledgements, data availability, conflict of interest, authors’ contribution, and references) into clearly defined and numbered sections using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …), 1.2, etc.
  • One of the manuscript author(s) should be corresponding author, who takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review.
  • Superscript numbers (1) should be used to link author with institution and an asterisk (*) to refer to the corresponding author.
  • The abbreviations and acronyms should be defined the first time they used in the manuscript.
  • Do not use abbreviations in the title until and unless they are unavoidable.
  • Use the standard mathematical notation for formulae/symbols.
  • Genus and species names should be in italics.
  • Internationally accepted (SI) signs and symbols should be used for units.
  • The Tables and Figures must not be submitted separately and should appear in the text after the reference section.
  • A cover letter (one page in the doc file) should be submitted with the manuscript (title page and main manuscript together in a single doc file). The cover letter should contain a statement explaining why the work should be considered for publication in this journal, and that the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The cover letter should also contain the statement that ‘All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to AAJFSS’. The authors are encouraged to suggest 2 to 3 reviewers.

Title Page: The following information should be included:

  • Type of article: Review/Research/Short Communication
  • Title (should be clear, descriptive, and not too long)
  • Authors’ full names and affiliations
  • Corresponding author: Ensure his / her full name, address, phone, and e-mail.

Main Manuscript Structure: The main manuscript should be in the following sequence:

  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Or Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements
  • Data availability
  • Conflict of interest
  • Authors’ contribution
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figures

Abstract and Keywords

  • The abstract must be concise and informative providing the main aim of the work, methods, principal results, and conclusions.
  • An abstract of no more than 300 words (Review and Research Articles) or 100 words for Short Communication.
  • At the end of the abstract, keywords (3-6 words) related to the manuscript work must be provided for indexing, abstracting, and retrieval purposes.


  • This section should contain a brief review of the problem with which the study deals, validate the approach taken, and formulate the goals.
  • This section should include recent references.

Materials and Methods

  • This section must include a statement regarding ethical approval of the study as a first subheading. If there is no need for approval for your study, then include the sentence accordingly.
  • This section must include a statement regarding ‘patient consent’ if applicable. For research articles, authors are required to state in the Materials and Methods section whether patients provided informed consent and whether the consent was written or verbal.
  • Authors are requested to refer to the reporting guidelines relevant to their study type e.g. CONSORT. The guidelines on reporting sex and gender information (SAGER) should also be considered. These guidelines can be found on the Equator Network.
  • This section must be clear and sufficient with experimental details to reproduce the works by other researchers.
  • Previously published procedures or methods should be cited without any detailed descriptions.
  • New procedures and techniques should be described in details.
  • Instruments and reagents information should be specified.
  • The source from which the sample has been obtained should be mentioned.


  • This section should provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation, and the experimental conclusions that can be drawn.
  • Repetition of the same data in different forms should be avoided.


  • Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted from the perspective of previous studies (recent references) and the working hypotheses.
  • The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible, and the limitations of the work should be highlighted.
  • This section may be combined with Results.


  • This section should clearly explain the work’s main conclusions, highlighting its importance and relevance, including any practical applications.
  • Future research directions may also be mentioned.


  • Under this section please specify contributors to the article other than the authors accredited.
  • This section must include information relating to supporting grants. You must have to include the details of the funding institute with address and grant number.
  • If there was no funding, the following wording should be used: “This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.”
  • Any suppliers of materials should be named and their location (town, state/county, country) included if appropriate.

Data availability

Authors are required to include a ‘Data availability’ section in their manuscript and this section should appear between the ‘Acknowledgements’ and the ‘Conflict of interest’. The intention of this section is to provide readers with information on where they can obtain the research data required to reproduce the work reported in the manuscript. This statement should describe how readers can access the data supporting the conclusions of the study and clearly outline the reasons why unavailable data cannot be released. Authors of papers that are not based on original data, such as Review articles, need not include a ‘Data availability’ section.

Conflict of interest

All authors must disclose any commercial or other association (e.g., pharmaceutical stock ownership, consultancy, advisory board membership, travel grants, relevant patents, or research funding) that might pose a conflict of interest regarding the submitted manuscript. The corresponding author will be responsible for obtaining the relevant information from all co-authors. Appropriate declarations or “None to declare” should appear at the end of the text under the subheading “Conflict of interest.” This applies to all papers.

Authors’ contribution

Individual contributions of authors should be specified in this section to give appropriate credit to each author. Place authors’ contribution before references.


  • 40% of the references should be from research or review papers published within the past five years.
  • All listed references must be cited in the text.
  • Arrange the references in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname.
  • The citation of references in text up to two author(s) should be surname followed by year of publication (Islam, 2010 or Islam and Hossain, 2013).
  • The citation of references in text more than two author(s) should be surname of first author followed by et al., and year of publication (Islam et al., 2013).
  • In case, an author cited has more than one publication during the same year should be identified by a lowercase letter (like a, b, c), both in the text and reference list to distinguish the works (Hossain et al., 2012a; 2012b).
  • Abbreviated Journal Name should be written.
  • Author(s) should check the references in the text and reference list carefully before submission to avoid delay in peer review and publication of the article.

Examples of Reference Styles:

Journal Articles:

  • Kabir SML, 2010. Avian colibacillosis and salmonellosis: a closer look at epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, control and public health concerns. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 7: 89-114.
  • Rahman MM and SML Kabir, 2013.  Veterinary education on fostering food safety and governance achieving a healthy nation in Bangladesh. Vet. Sci. Dev., 3: 16-23.
  • Ricciardi V, N Ramankutty, Z Mehrabi, L Jarvis and B Chookolingo, 2018. How much of the world’s food do smallholders produce? Glob. Food Sec., 17: 64-72.

Conference Proceedings:

Islam MK and SML Kabir, 2017. Molecular identification and characterization of bacteria isolated from broiler meat. Proceedings of the 10th International Poultry Show and Seminar, 2-4 March 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Edited by: World’s Poultry Science Association Bangladesh Branch, pp. 334-335.


Kabir SML, 2003. The dynamics of probiotics in enhancing poultry meat production and quality. MS thesis, Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. pp. 1-158.


Watson DH, 2002. Food chemical safety: contaminants. Woodhead Publishing, UK.

Chapters in Books:

Kabir SML, MH Sikder, J Alam, SB Neogi and S Yamasaki, 2017. Colibacillosis and its impact on egg production. In: Egg Innovations and Strategies for Improvements. Edited by: Hester P, Elsevier, pp. 523-535.


Pennington JA, 2014. Aflatoxin M1 in milk. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Available: -4018.pdf.

Unpublished Materials:

Islam MA, SML Kabir and SK Seel, 2016.  Molecular detection and characterization of Escherichia coli isolated from raw milk sold in different markets of Bangladesh. Bangl. J. Vet. Med., In press.


  • All tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.).
  • Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
  • Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title.
  • The vertical lines or rules should be avoided in the tables.
  • Duplication of the data in the tables and figures is not allowed.
  • All tables should be placed after the reference section.


  • All figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc.).
  • Figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
  • Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.).
  • Each figure should have a concise and self-explanatory legend.
  • The figures should have high resolutions (at least 300 dpi) with clarity.
  • This section should be presented after the end of tables.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations policy can be found here.

Publication Ethics Statement

Publication ethics statement can be found here.


Authorship criteria and policy can be found here.

Editors and Journal Staff as Authors

Editors and journal staff as authors policy can be found here.

Editorial Independence

Editorial independence policy can be found here.

Article Types

Review articles: These provide concise and precise updates on the latest progress made in a given area of research. There is no specific format for review article. It is advised to refer the latest published review article of the journal for the format of manuscript preparation.

Full length research articles: Original research manuscripts. The journal considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information. Quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review.

Short communications: Papers in brief form will be published as Short communications, with the understanding that this does not provide an accelerated means for publication.